Our Offer
Our Offer Text

Website building
We are creating web pages according to our cliens' needs. We create original graphic design using our customers' Corporate Identity.
E-shops realizations
We are using open-source OpenCart system for the e-shop logic. Design and special functions are fully in our hands, we are programming OpenCart Extensions, as well.
Commercial Graphics
Design of all things you may need in your proffesional life, that is our business. We create leaflets, visit cards, billboards, banners, presentaitons, annual reports... - having more than 15 years experiences.
Corporate Identity
If we know you well, we can create your graphical representation directly for your face. Starting with logotype, following website, visit cards, and other things. All represented in well-arranged guide.
What more...
Having years of experience, we can prepare data for every production company according their needs. We co-operate with local printing and other companies. We can provide almost anything you want (print, press, CD or DVD production, covers, labels etc.)
Proto cokoliv, co s tím souvisí, nás moc baví.
Myslíme si, že pokud by nás práce nebavila, nemůžeme vytvořit nic pěkného.

Our Works
Our Works Text
Get in Touch
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Za Hládkovem 6
Praha 6 - Střešovice
tel.: (+420) 777 600 624